Monthly Archives: March 2015

Springdell BLTs with Arugula and Home Made Garlic Lime Aioli

Check out our very first CSA365 kitchen video on how to whip up a garlic lime aioli. Yummy stuff on the CSA BLT! The “L” in this BLT is totally negotiable, depending on what you have, I used arugula on this one.

Springdell BLTs with Arugula and Home Made Garlic Lime Aioli 2

Whenever there are tomatoes, greens, and bacon in the share box, I can’t help but make a Springdell BLT.  It’s kind of imperative.  In my humble opinion, the Springdell BLT is absolutely the best in the middle of summer when the tomatoes are at their peak, and fresh from Scratch Flat. […]