Herb Butter

Originally posted by Jess – August 1, 2015

Happy August, my Fellow Springdellians!  Jess here.imageToday, I canned an army of peaches for the winter, and got some other things ready for the freezer as well. I feel like a chipmunk with full cheeks storing away my goods for the long winter season.  I just love preserving fruits and veggies.  To capture produce at its seasonal peak and then keep the surplus aside for the off-season is a thing to be cherished.

Aside from the fruits and veggies, many of the herbs are flourishing and ready to enjoy! Now is a great time to stock up on some herbs for the winter as well, and making herbed butter rolls to freeze is a great way to do it!  I credit my counterpart Sarah for turning me on to this idea many moons ago…  All you need is herbs, waxed paper, butter and a few minutes.

Simply select and clean a small bunch each of your favorite herbs.imageVisit the farmstand and grab a roll of Amish Roll Butter.  Let it soften a bit as you are preparing your herbs.imageChop your herbs and combine them with the softened butter (I usually use a fork to do this.)imagePlace the herb butter at the short bottom part of a rectangle of wax paper (the size of the paper will vary depending on the size of your butter portions).imageRoll the butter in the wax paper as seen here, trying to tighten the roll a bit as you go.imageTwist the sides of the rolls, label, freeze, and enjoy this winter in any dish you like!  It’s a great way to dress up carrots (dill butter is good), potatoes (chive butter is a no-brainer), and winter squash (sage butter is my favorite for this).  Splash a little white wine in some tarragon butter and reduce it for a great sauce.  The possibilities are endless and most appreciated during the winter doldrums. As always, enjoy!image

About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.