Sunday Dinner – Burrata with Roasted Spring Veggies

Happy Sunday Dinner everyone!  Jess here, sharing about Sunday dinner, which happens to also be Mother’s Day dinner!  

The boys took me, Nan, and my mother out to Great Road Kitchen, where we enjoyed their second annual Mother’s Day Brunch.  We were able to enjoy many of Springdell’s Veggies in the brunch, along with other local favorites, Johnny Putt Farm and Pinehurst Farm. Thanks, boys! 

Well, after all of the Mother’s Day Brunches, we were pretty stuffed at actual dinnertime, and I didn’t much feel like cooking, so we went with a simple snack.

While I’m usually off the hook on Mother’s Day when it comes to cooking dinner, blanching asparagus and fiddleheads is quick and simple, and not a big deal. These cleaned fiddleheads were boiled for 5 minutes and (the asparagus for two minutes) before being plunged into icy water to stop the cooking process. Layered thinly on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet, these veggies roasted at 425 for about 10-15 minutes.  you can go longer, but I like a little extra crunch for this application.  

Remember the sneak preview of this Mozzarella House Burrata with Roasted Spring Veggies and Toasted Olive Oil Baguette from last week?  Well, it made a repeat appearance on the dinner table tonight!

Burrata is amazing. It’s like a little present, a wrapped up package of Mozzarella goodness and when you open it?

Mozzarella curdles housed in fresh cream.  It just doesn’t get better!

A quick toast of a simple baguette drizzled in olive oil makes a perfect accompaniment for the Burrata. The cream from the broken Burrata would soak into the bread while the curdles of cheese lingered on the surface. Crunchy, crispy, and moist in all the right places!  Enjoy with some freshly ground black pepper!

Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!  

About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.