Swiss Chard Bread

Originally posted by Jess – August 29, 2015


Good evening, Jess here.  

As I recover from vacation and settle back into the lack of daily routine that precedes the start of school, I was ready to test out a new recipe.  This recipe was happened upon quite randomly during my cyber travels last year, and I had made note of it to give it a try.  It is from the blog of Republican-American Steven Valenti.  It struck me as interesting as it seemed like a recipe that could be easily adapted and quite flexible, depending on what fillings you had on hand.  Please view Mr. Valenti’s site for the actual recipe I followed as well as a YouTube video of the process.


Things started with rinsed, chopped, washed and drained Swiss chard. It went into a frying pan with some olive oil and a little bit of kosher salt until wilted.


After rolling out some pizza dough (please see our post that includes a recipe for ‘Dell Dough using Winter CSA ingredients) I added some minced garlic and the drained Swiss chard.


I really loaded it up right up to a 2 inch margin on one side. This would be a great time to add cheese, balsamic glaze, grilled tomatoes, eggplant, meat, or whatever else tickles your fancy! Mr. Valenti added some chopped kalamata olives and Parmesan cheese.  I went with just the garlic and Swiss chard, figuring I could test out different flavors after baking.


Next, I rolled the dough up to the margin, and tucked the margin underneath.


Onto a sprayed cookie sheet and washed with a beaten Springdell egg before a trip through the oven at 425 for 25 minutes.


Here is what it looked like when it first came out of the oven.  I moved it to cool for a spell before cutting.


We tried ours out with a couple of different aftermarket options.  Feta and Balsamic Glaze was yummy with this.  The family favorite was the fresh pasta sauce made with Springdell Italian Sausage, and some mozzarella. I think next time I may even go full-stromboli and put it all into the bread before baking.


I may poach an egg on this bread for breakfast tomorrow.

So there you have it!  Another simple way to enjoy a multitude of veggies.  In the meantime, I’m off to finish blanching this bushel of sweet Springdell corn for the winter.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you for Sarah’s Sunday dinner tomorrow!  


About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.