Wrapped Melon, Melon Salad, Melon Cubes!

I sat down today to snack on a piece of melon wrapped in prosciutto, and my post morphed from there.  The soft sweetness of the ripe melon with the salty, meaty flavor of the prosciutto is a match the was meant to be.  I decided to make a salad with the remainder of the melon.


Here’s what I did…


I cubed the melon and put it in a bowl with the zest and juice of one lime.


From there I added two tablespoons of sugar.


From there I used a microplane to grate about an inch of peeled, fresh ginger.


There you have it, a really refreshing melon salad.  I sat down on the porch to enjoy a small bowl and it was so good.  While I was enjoying it I kept thinking how much it reminded me of a limeade.  Well, who could stop there then, right?  Into the Vitamix it went to be puréed.


After a spoonful of this I knew I needed to freeze this summer goodness into cubes.  They would be the perfect addition to a glass of iced tea, lemonade, or limeade.


Now, it’s extremely important to label your bags with your creations because they can easily be mistaken for something else, which may end in a not so good concoction.  Don’t forget to date them as well!



So right now I am sitting with my iced loose leaf English breakfast tea with melon cubes and feeling sentimental.  My boys are starting kindergarten and second grade tomorrow!  Where does the time go?  It’s amazing really, and from what I hear, it only continues to go faster.  So, for tonight I am going to sit back and enjoy this moment and remind myself to savor all of these times, they only happen once.  Good night all, see you tomorrow for our honorable mentions post, filled with ideas to help spark your creativity in the kitchen.  Enjoy!


About Sarah

Sarah is a trained chef and owner of Whisk Baked Goods. She lives in Chelmsford with her husband and two active boys. Sarah is passionate about food, loves eating local, and cooking gluten free foods.

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