Freezer Inventory

My chest freezer has been sufficiently spent down and happily awaiting the incoming Springdell bounty tomorrow.  I wanted to mention the way that I track what is in my chest freezer (to avoid mystery items).  I use this Freezer Contents List available as a free printable on the Mom’s Budget website.  If you don’t currently have a way to track your freezer items, I’d definitely suggest this as an option!  I personally use one list to track meats and one to track other items, it has saved many a foil-wrapped brick from freezer burned disaster.  (I apologize for the shadow in the photo, my freezer closet is not well-lit.)


About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.