Hello to our Fellow Springdellians! Another week, another magical crate filled with lots of fun fruits and veggies! Join us in our kitchens for the dishes that didn’t get featured in their own post this week.
First, we’ll hear from Sarah about the honorable mentions cooking in her kitchen this past week:

Were the tomatoes piling up at your house too? I had so many from the share and also a ton in my garden from my Springdell plants that I made another batch of tomato sauce this week. That is batch number 5 this year. I love it!

Another crop that seemed to do well this year is the watermelon. I had a bunch of these on my counter too. We had plenty of plates of this juicy sweet fruit.

As well as enjoying a few drinks made with watermelon juice. We also started out mornings over the weekend with glasses of straight up juice, yum!
No smoothie pics this week, although we did enjoy them, thought I would highlight the watermelon juice this time.

Here is a picture of some coleslaw I made this week. It included cabbage, carrots, dried cranberries, pine nuts and a creamy dressing.

Last one for me is a kale salad with Springdell kale and tomatoes, cucumbers from my garden and some crispy noodles on top.
Now let’s take a trip over to Jess’ kitchen:

Okay okay, I know I sound like a broken record here, but- Kale Brownies! I made two more batches this week using 2 full bunches of Lacinato and Winterbor, and brought them to the Harvest Celebration Potluck Dinner for the Westford Community Gardens. I’ll admit that I was pushing it by using an entire bunch of kale. They tended to be a little less fudgey and a little drier and more cake-like. In retrospect would have added more chocolate chips. Still brownies… and kale!

I love this, but never post it because it’s not very aesthetically pleasing. This is slaw with an Asian peanut sauce, adapted from this Allrecipes recipe. My three year-old and I always devour this like its ice cream or something. Maybe it’s because I double the recipe sauce-wise. I can’t help myself.

Speaking of extra sauce, this Chinese Eggplant with Garlic sauce was killer. My other half was away on business so I got to eat this all on my own, hence the extra sauce, just the way I like it! My heirloom eggplant is sliced and salted, ready to drain, bread and freeze for winter cutlets.

I made these earlier in the week using the remainder of my homemade meat pasta sauce. I simply mixed the sauce with couscous, sprinkled with cheese and filled the peppers for a tasty dish. I had 4 remaining green bell peppers, which I blanched and froze for winter use.

400 degrees, olive oil, coarse salt and pepper to taste, and 20 minutes later you have a way to devour those extra cherry tomatoes before they get squishy! (How’s that for a delectable run-on sentence?) These sticky sweet beauties are filled with flavor, and you can literally sit and eat a ton. Okay, maybe not a literal ton, but pretty close. Don’t forget to scrape the syrup off the baking dish, that’s the best part!

You’ve seen Sarah’s watermelon juice, and the watermelon in the Anderson household that was not devoured as-is was also used in watermelon juice. Here are the rinds though sprinkled in kosher salt and about to be covered with a weighted plate before going in the fridge overnight. Tune in tomorrow to see what comes of them!

This is kind of a PS and may not be CSA related but I just had to share this. Check out this cute and imaginative cake made by my blog partner Sarah! My two year-old turned three in style as he earned his white belt with a yellow stripe in Karate. Thank you, Sarah!