Hello everyone, Jess and Sarah here. It has been a busy week in the kitchen and at the farm! Despite the worst drought in a decade (nope, no climate change to see here, folks) the CSA has been going strong and the share boxes are getting more and more difficult to carry. We don’t envy our farmers working harder than usual in this drought and with this dreaded heat, and we are most grateful that they do what they do!
Here’s a review of how we enjoyed our shares this week:
- 3 bell peppers
- Slivered and eaten as-is (Jess’ 6 year-old just discovered that he loves them. It took a while, but it’s always worth the wait to see a little guy realize that veggies are awesome.)
- Sarah is using them for Sunday Night Dinner tomorrow, tune in!
- 12 butter and sugar corn
- Gone in 60 seconds at Jess’ House
- Same at Sarah’s house
- 4 slicing cucumbers
- Refrigerator Pickles (how have we not posted this recipe yet? it’s coming for sure!)
- Sliced and eaten as snacks
- 2 stuffing squash
- Stuffing Fest
- 2 wicked big summer squash
- Summer Squash Croissant Pie (coming soon)
- Lots of squash cooked with butter and herbs for lunches
- 4 squash bombs
- Stuffed and enjoyed
- One cubed and sautéed with summer squash, combined with noodles and drizzled in peanut sauce with noodles
- Stuffed with Quinoa, cheese, and basil flowers
- 1 bag of wax beans
- Steamed with Basil Chiffonade
- Added to a stir fry
- 2 tomato
- Hunter’s Loaf
- Grilled Cheese and Tomato
- Sliced on hummus sandwiches
- 1 bunch of beets
- Creamed Beet Greens
- Shredded raw and tossed with everything (Kale salad, Squash Pie, Collard Noodles, smoothies and Peanut Sauce)
- Roasted and sliced onto kale salads
- 3 red Russian kale
- Kale Caesar Salads (coming this week)
- Stems in Morning Smoothies
- Salads
- 1 bunch genovese basil
- Basil Flowers in Lemonade
- Basil Flowers in Iced Tea
- Basil Flowers in Farmer Jamie’s Peach and Basil Cocktail
- Bouquet in the window with the sunflowers until due for a batch of pesto.
- Basil flowers added to stuffed squash
- Topped a delicious pasta and meat sauce
- Added to my water infuser and taken on the go
- Using the rest for Sunday Night Dinner tomorrow
- In Jess’ kitchen window with the basil this week
- A beautiful centerpiece for the dining room at Sarah’s house
- Chocolate Chip Zucchini Bread
- Zucchini Muffins
- Blueberry Zucchini Cake (and cupcakes) with Lemon Buttercream
- Zucchini Coffee Cake
- Poached eggs and toast
- 2 blueberries
- As-Is
- 1 pint in Blueberry Zucchini Cake (and Cupcakes) with Lemon Buttercream
- Smoothies
- Blueberry Pancakes
- 2 rainbow chard
- Swiss Chard Ribs With Cream and Pasta
- Steamed Greens with Homemade Thai Peanut Sauce
- 1 collard greens
- Collard Green Noodles with Thai Peanut Sauce (recipe coming!)
- Shared with Sarah’s neighbors
Here are our featured recipes of the week:
Hunter’s Meatloaf with Cabbage
Farmer Jamie’s Muddled Peach and Basil Cocktail
Featured on Veggiescope, we have:
Here’s some of what was going on in Jess’ kitchen this week:

My favorite dish of the week, collard green noodles with homemade Thai peanut sauce. I let the family devour the meatloaf while I hogged all of these.

Being a CSA glutton, I purchased one of those boxes of peach seconds at the farmstand and peeled and froze them for smoothies and whatnot. I know they aren’t from our usual farmers (as New England peaches have been eradicated with this year’s weather) but the thought of no peaches over the winter was really bumming me out. As a substitute, these will do!

Here is a delicious dinner with Springdell grilled chicken breast, green peppers, massaged kale caesar and from our Community Garden plot, some garlic mashed red potatoes.

Another night we had more kale Caesar (because it’s that good) burgers ‘n fixings, and a summer squash and zucchini croissant pie.
Let’s take a look into Sarah’s kitchen:

I did a roasting day, my squash bombs went in, as well as my beets and a head of garlic I picked up at the farm stand, it’s time to make a new batch of roasted garlic salad dressing!

The stuffing squash were filled with a red quinoa, fresh corn, cheese, and basil flowers. They were delicious!

Springdell ground beef from the meat share, with some fresh chives from the pick your own at Springdell.
Finally, we just wanted to finish with a picture of these lovely flowers at the farm stand. Have a great week everyone, stay cool and keep those good thoughts for rain coming! Tune in tomorrow for Sunday Night Dinner and Monday for the Show Post.