Ingredient: Lemon

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  • Description-

 Lemons are a high acid citrus fruit.  They are bright yellow in color and pack a nice acidic punch to many recipes both sweet and savory.  They are a great way to welcome spring or brighten up winter dishes, salads, or soups.

  • Preparation-

 Lemons have a sour acidic taste, but have many uses.  They are used to flavor many dishes, they are commonly used with seafood.  They are also used in cocktails and as household cleaners.

  • Varieties-

There are a number of different kinds of lemons, but the two you frequently see in our are the common lemon and the Meyer lemon.  The Meyer lemon is small in size with a darker color and sweeter taste.

  • Storage-

Lemons are fine to keep on the counter but they will last longer if stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.  TIP- roll your lemon on the counter before using it, it will give you a higher amount of juice!  Don’t forget to use your lemon zest.  The lemon oil is in the zest and it is a great flavor enhancer.

  • Nutrition- Vitamin C, A, calcium, folate, iron, potassium, magnesium

Recipes Using Lemon

Lamb Stuffed Biscuits

This is not a fancy recipe, but I’ve had success in keeping my family interested in lamb with this simple seasoning combo (no mint or garlic involved). If you don’t have time for a scratch pie crust or biscuit dough (who does nowadays), those biscuits, remade pie crusts or crescent roll dough in the market work well. If you want to skip the dough, make it a hash by tossing the browned meat mixture with cubed cooked potato instead!

Apple Shrunken Heads

This one I first learned about from Martha Stewart. It’s a crafty way to repurpose those “horse apples” that you might get from time to time. Give them a week or two to be ready for spooking folks on Halloween!