Originally posted by Jess – October 21, 2015
I had mentioned in yesterday’s post that I am on a bacon kick, having thawed a pound from my Meat Subscription recently. If the bacon and leek pasta wasn’t proof enough, here are some roasted cabbage wedges draped in bacon. This idea came from Fellow Springdellian Susan MacDowell a few seasons back. If things are drying out while roasting, I just drizzle a little chicken stock over things. This makes sweet and flavorful cabbage!
Remove any wilty outer leaves from your cabbage, chop it lengthwise into quarters (through the core). Remove the toughest part of the core and place your wedges into a roasting pan before draping a slice of bacon on top of each wedge. Roast for about 20 minutes and remove from the oven when your bacon is cooked to the desired level of crispiness. If things begin drying out along the way, keep some chicken stock on hand to drizzle on your cabbage.