Hi everyone, Jess here, and honored to present you with another week of beautiful produce! A final reminder that the Farm to Fork dinner is happening at Great Road Kitchen this Wednesday from 6-9pm. There are still a few spots left!
The weather seems to be settling a bit, but the summer colors are still going strong in the share box.
- butter and sugar corn
- sugar beets
- string beans
- tomatoberries
- sungold tomatoes
- salad cucumbers
- heirloom patty pan squash
- zucchini squash
- golden zucchini
- crookneck summer squash
- beefsteak tomatoes
- classic peaches
- genovese basil
Small shares include corn, beets, zucchini, golden zucchini, summer squash, squash bombs, beefsteak and cherry tomatoes, string beans, cucumbers, peaches and basil.
squished peaches
- nectarines
I added a few stems of gladiolas to the vase this week. Those from last week are holding up remarkably well and giving a beautiful splash of color to the kitchen. There are many other flowers to choose from in the PYO garden as well. I’ve been loving this idea! The photo doesn’t really capture all the awesomeness of the flower garden, but it’s pretty awesome.
Separate your beet greens from the tops when you get home, this helps the roots to keep a bit longer. Also, trim the stems and remove low leaves from your basil before popping them into a glass of water. They’ll sprout roots right into the water, allowing you to trim off what you need as you need it!
As if this weren’t enough, it was also time to pick up the meat share! We have some lovely beef to work with.
I have a couple of chocolate zucchini bread recipes sent in by readers. This first one comes from my buddy Cyndi M., the Death By Chocolate Zucchini Bread. We have yet to test it but I’ll let you know how it goes! The second one is gluten-free and comes from fellow Springdellian Alissa W. Here is the original recipe. In Alissa’s adaptation, she cut back on the sugar and swapped 1/2 the flour for almond meal. Good stuff!
I’m looking forward to cooking with you this week. Thanks to all of you for reading, and thanks to all of you who check in with your ideas and experiences!