Helllooooooo, everyone! Jess here to wish you a Happy Belated National Eat Your Vegetables Day, and a warm and hearty welcome to the first CSA pickup of the summer season! For those new CSA’ers joining the Farm Family this year, welcome to you! We hope that you’ll find the CSA lifestyle as rewarding as we do! Please read on to see how this website may be helpful on your CSA journey.

- Strawberries
- Crimson Rhubarb
- Garlic Scapes
- Russian Kale
- Curly Kale
- Lettuce
Single and Small shares this week included the same items (in varying amounts). Mega Shares also included arugula flowers (great on salads) and pea tendrils.

Remember the PYO herb garden as well!
Let me explain how the Springdell Show and Tell works for those that are just joining us. At the beginning of the CSA week, I’ll “Show” what’s in the CSA crates for the week. If you click on any of the items in the crates, you’ll be whisked away to a page that explains a bit more about that item (how to store, preserve, nutrition facts, etc). Following the description of the item, you’ll see a list of tested recipes for that item (along with a list of other CSA items in each of the recipes). For example, click on kale, and see what happens. Hopefully these links will inspire you for the use of your CSA ingredients!
Throughout the week on the CSA365 Facebook Page, I’ll share in real-time how the ingredients are being enjoyed in my household. I encourage everyone to snap a pic of their dinners and do the same on the facebook page, as 200 kitchens are much better than one!
At the end of the week, I’ll post the “Tell” of the Springdell Show and Tell, sharing the fate of each ingredient in my CSA crate. Next, I’ll post another Show for the next week, and so on!

Please feel free to email me, message me, call me, text me, comment below, or otherwise contact me with any questions you have about how to enjoy your CSA ingredients. I’m here to help, and chances are if you have a question, someone else out there has one too!
Are you going to the Strawberry Social on Thursday? It’s a great chance to start the summer with your farm family, and to hear about the issues that our farmers are facing while navigating today’s agricultural waters. I hope to see you there. Meanwhile, enjoy your week!