Ingredient: Strawberries

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  • Description-

Strawberries are plump, bright red berries with pretty green tops.  Strawberries are sweet and covered with tiny seeds. Strawberry season in New England in typically June, a jewel of spring time! Springdell strawberries are the bomb!

  • Preparation-

Wash your strawberries in cold water, but do not let them soak. Strawberries bruise easily so handle them with care.  Remove the green caps just before use.  Strawberries can be enjoyed as is, or cooked as well.  They are very sweet and pair nicely in baked goods and salads.  Strawberries are a classic berry for jam and preserving.

  • Storage-

Leave the green tops on your strawberries until you are ready to use them. Refrigerate your unwashed berries when you get home.  Fresh berries are not a long time keeper, use them up within a day or two.

  • Nutrition-

Vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber


Save your strawberry caps for a refreshing glass of Farmer Jamie’s Strawberry Cap water! Jess enjoys this with a peel or two of rhubarb thrown in as well!

Recipes Using Strawberries

Strawberry Rhubarb Mojito

The flavors of the summer season culminated to bring this fabulous cocktail to the table! The rhubarb simple syrup really is simple, and especially satisfying if you’ve saved your rhubarb peels in the freezer for this purpose! If you don’t want the alcohol, simply forego it, and you’ll have a nojito!

Strawberry Bread

Fellow Springdellian Lisa Simons-Kearns baked this delicious recipe inspired by Ellen Rainey’s recipe on All Recipes. Here is Lisa’s version, which cuts down on the sugar a bit while increasing the strawberries. Thanks for sharing, Ellen and Lisa!