Hi everyone, Jess here. As you may recall, this week I picked up my Monday CSA using the “Sunday Opt-In” plan, which is a wonderful option offered by Farmer Jamie and Crew. It allowed me to pick up my CSA on either the Sunday before or after my regularly scheduled pickup. Consequently, my veggies varied slightly this week from the regular week 3 share (some folks may have received kohlrabi and cucumbers), but it allowed me to take off on Sunday afternoon for a week long camping excursion, and to bring my CSA with me!

- Strawberries
- Enjoyed as-is
- Strawberry Pancakes
- Mixed with Greek Yogurt
- Snap Peas
- Stir-Fry with Greens
- Enjoyed as-is
- Garlic Scapes
- Stir-Fry with Greens
- The rest chopped and frozen for later use
- Bulbs added to the “stock” freezer bag
- Heirloom Scallions
- Stir-Fry with Greens
- The rest chopped and frozen for later use
- Bulbs popped into the fridge for a later use
- Dino Kale
- Stir-Fry with Greens
- Strawberry Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
- Collard Greens
- Stir-Frywith Greens
- Rainbow Chard
- Strawberry Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
- Stems popped into the Stir Fry with Greens
- Lettuce
- Strawberry Salad with Poppy Seed Dressing
- On lunchtime sandwiches

- Strawberries
- Enjoyed as-is
- Strawberry Pancakes
- Mixed with Greek Yogurt

- Eggs
- In many morning egg scrambles (the grown up version was mixed with stir fry
All other veggie scraps composted unless otherwise noted.

A healthier and even simpler alternative to the fool was a Greek yogurt with strawberries tossed in, a great accompaniment with camp stove eggs and greens! The rest of my yogurt was used in a re-run of last week’s herb dip.

While I was away gallivanting this week in the camper, I posted a little series of favorite kale recipes, particularly for the kale non-believers. If your kale is backlogging in your fridge, might I suggest these options:
- Kale Caesar Salad
- Kale Brownies
- Kale Quiche (with or without potato crust)
- Kale Powder
A quick reminder, if you’re stuck on any veggie, check out Veggiescope!
As always, if you have a question or comment, or if you find your “A-ha” recipe, drop me a line, I love to hear from you! Meanwhile, see you back here in a couple of hours as we share the 4th CSA pickup of the season (I hear there may be cabbage involved)!