» Jump to recipes using Barbecue Sauce as an ingredient
If you’ve followed this blog, you’ve probably heard us wax poetic about Our Favorite Dressing, whose namesake certainly fits the bill. I had the pleasure of chatting with Cherylann Sheehan, whose partner Dave Sheehan unfortunately had to miss the day’s festivities as he was (of course) back home bottling dressing! This Dedham based business has been thriving with favorites such as balsamic vinaigrette and my personal favorite, the raspberry vinaigrette. Have you tried their barbecue sauce?!?!! No corn syrup here, this is the real deal.
Recipes Using Barbecue Sauce
Sausage and other farm ingredients stuffed in a bread roll. What could be better? If taking a short cut, using refrigerator biscuits does work. These make a quick and tasty treat and the ingredients are flexible, something that’s a wonderful bonus when working with CSA ingredients.
Packed with herbs such as oregano and dill, “Our Favorite” brand barbecue sauce (available at the Springdell farmstand) goes great with this recipe, but (optional) fresh herbs and your favorite brand of barbecue sauce too! This is a great slow cooker recipe that ends with a quick trip under the broiler to make things crispy. Set it, forget it, and then make your dinner guests think you slaved cooking these!
Brown sugar, cider vinegar, worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and your favorite barbecue sauce make for a great slow cooker sauce! Roasted asparagus and potatoes make great sides for this one!