
Salad Night

As we round the corner into the final lap before summer, I wanted to talk briefly about the asparagus, as their stellar appearance will soon be waning in our share boxes. We love the tips, we love the stalks, but what about the woody stems? Most folks snap them off […]

Fiddleheads with Poached Eggs

I know Jess and I have talked a lot about Fiddleheads in the past few weeks, but really this is our only chance to do so, fiddlehead season is extremely short! I believe the entire season is 3-5 weeks long, blink and you’ll miss it.  So, as long as these […]

Meatless Monday- Fiddlehead Tartine

I had big dreams of making a Springdell Asparagus Risotto this evening. Given my two year-old’s early nap, preparing for the Strawberry Festival, and many errands, finding the time to tend to a risotto was just not happening today. I decided into keep it a little simpler, and as we […]