Hi everyone, Jess here ready to review this week’s fabulously colorful CSA box! It’s another late night in the Anderson household, the kitchen smells great!
Let’s see the trip that this share box went on this week!
pearl peaches
- Peach Galette (if it turns out good the recipe will be coming)
- Pan Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Herbed Peaches (see below)
- As-is
- In Cottage Cheese
- carrots (don’t forget those yummy carrot tops!)
- Carrot Sticks
- Carrot top pesto on Broiled Jordan Brothers Haddock
- salad cucumbers
- More pickles!
- as-is
- butter & sugar corn
- Corn on and off the cob
- rainbow chard
- cauliflower florets
- green beans
- Steamed
- Swap Box Zucchini
- classic and pearl peaches
- Peach Galette
- Pan Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Herbed Peaches
- As-is
- In Cottage Cheese
- eggs
- Into many cookies
- Brushed onto galette crusts
- Egg sandwiches
Remember to bring back those egg containers, as Jamie is resorting to fruit and veggie boxes!
- Microgreens (I got 2 boxes of corn shoots)
- Experimenting with a Corn Shoot Bourbon Sweet and Savory Caramel. Still working on it, and in the meantime, would love to know what you’re trying with these!
- gladiolas and zinnias (return those mason jars and vases to the stand, please!)
This is a great time to preserve some corn for the winter! For those that picked up some bushels, let me once again mention these fresh tamales to make use of those unsung husks. A bit time consuming, but worth it!Also, corn cob jelly, which I’ve found to be an inexpensive and sustainable stand-in for honey in many recipes. Who knew?
Back to Jess’ present tense kitchen:
Many zucchini recipes (such as in breads, cookies, or fritters) require you to get rid of the excess moisture before baking or frying. After squeezing several cups of shredded zucchini for different purposes this week, I realized that I was left with a bowl full of pleasantly vitamin-filled green liquid. Into the breakfast smoothie it went, and I was not disappointed!
This week I had a music practice with my good friend Kerri, and afterwards we enjoyed munching on corn shoots as we sipped a small glass of bourbon. I realized that we were on to something! An attempt at a corn shoot bourbon caramel followed, (I’ll spare you the pics) but let’s just say that the idea is still in the works. I find these corn shoots to be fascinating, how are you enjoying them in your household?
Speaking of fascinating, the Cauliflower Grilled Cheese was definitely that! These were good but my kids were not fooled into thinking that the cauliflower was actual bread as I had hoped. I think, however, that they would have been fooled had I tried a Cauliflower pizza dough instead. Next time!
On Tuesday I had my dear friends visiting from Sweden. We enjoyed grilled burgers, carrot sticks, steamed green beans, cukes, corn on the cob and a variety of pickled slaws. I was so busy hosting and catching up that I forgot to snap a pic of dinner. That evening, I started working with some of my remaining shredded zucchini. Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Zucchini Oatmeal Cookies and Zucchini Oat Breakfast Cookies were a perfect way to bake up the veggie backlog. The kids have been enjoying the breakfast cookies, and aside from the chocolate chips, they are relatively healthy!
On Wednesday I stopped by the farm stand and grabbed some haddock from the Jordan Brothers truck (in the Springdell parking lot from 2-6pm on Wednesdays). I went with a broiled haddock as it is done in 6-8 minutes flat. While it was broiling, I quickly whipped up a coarse pesto with the carrot tops. This is a delicious dish, especially with a sweet pickled cabbage slaw!
This morning I went for my annual blueberry picking caper with Nan, my mom and the boys. The bushes were full and we plucked 45 pounds of blueberries in 3 hours. This is a family record and the chest freezers are packed!
For tonight’s dinner, I pan roasted a Springdell pork tenderloin and tossed it with some savory peaches and basil. I seared the pork then cooked it in a pan with olive oil and butter covered on low until the temp was about 150 in the center. I wrapped it loosely in foil while some sliced peaches went into the pan with the pork drippings. Basil ribbons joined the peach party during the last minute of cooking.
Corn off the cob, swiss chard and sliced cukes rounded out the meal. Yum!
As I type this, I just pulled this blueberry galette out of the oven. The crust uses some of the cornmeal from the Springdell Winter CSA.
Those that know me know that I’m admittedly not a stellar baker by any stretch. If I’m baking anything, I’ll usually double the recipe for efficiency’s sake. After all, if it’s going to take me 20 minutes or so to make a scratch dough, I’m going to make the most of the time investment! Hence, I decided to test a double batch crust, and a blueberry and a peach galette. They smell pretty tasty, and if they are, you’ll see the recipes up here soon!
Let’s see what you’ve been up to this week!
- Fellow Springdellian Mandy C. made a tasty Peach Shortbread from Smitten Kitchen! Her squash bombs were used in this Martha Stewart staple.
- Here’s a savory galette made by fellow Springdellian Julie A, the (confirmed delicious) recipe is from Smitten Kitchen. Try it with the Mozzarella House Ricotta available at the farmstand!
- Many of you are making zucchini pies and fritters, and they all look lovely!
Thank you for reading, and for sharing your ideas! Well, it’s been a long day and I’m for bed! Looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow. Until then, sweet and savory dreams!