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Arugula is a small delicate leaf, but don’t let it fool you, it packs a powerful peppery punch of flavor. The older the plant, the stronger the pepper flavor will get.
Arugula is used in salads. It is often blended with other greens to temper its peppery flavor. Arugula can also be cooked as you would other bitter greens.
Arugula will last a week in the refrigerator if you place it in a produce bag. You will get you best results using your arugula fresh out of the garden, or share box.
Vitamins, A, C,K, folate, calcium, iron, potassium
Whenever in the season it can become overwhelming with greens such as arugula, one trick is to wilt them.

Jess’s husband is not a fan of arugula (honey, please don’t read this next part) but he has eaten wilted arugula many times unbeknownst to him. When wilted, it loses some of it’s spiciness and becomes much milder to the tongue, making it much easier to pass off as spinach to someone that doesn’t like it. To take it a step further, toss it with garlic or Garlic Lime Aioli.
Recipes Using Arugula
This one is easy and flexible. Simply sauté garlic scapes with arugula in butter. This can top a burger, or be a springy side dish. If you want to enjoy some creamy shiitakes, grab some heavy cream, thyme, and sherry and go to town with that as well!
I used ricotta and sharp cheddar for this bread but you can use any cheeses you enjoy. This bread can be used in any season with fresh veggies from your share.
Got asparagus? Or arugula? Or spinach? Or any combination of these? This is a very flexible recipe, if you use puff pastry, you’ll make a tart. If you instead broil up a buttered slice of bread and you’ll make a tartine. The rest is simply eggs, and herbs of choice. Use your imagination and enjoy this quick and simple meal option!