Ingredient: Radishes

Watermelon, Daikon

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Red Radish-

  • Description- Radishes are small round bright red bulbs with a peppery flavor. Both the bulb and the leaves of radish plants are edible.
  • Preparation- Radishes are eaten raw, thinly sliced on salads but can also be cooked in butter and even marinated or pickled.
  • Varieties- Radishes come in red or black as well as the Daikon radish
  • Storage- Chop off the greens before storing or they will pull the moisture from the bulb itself. Store them in the fridge in a bag for 1-2 weeks (Jess stores them in a bowl of water in the fridge to tone down the bite a bit).  TIP- if your radishes become spongy, place them in a bowl of ice water for up to an hour to get some crispness back!
  • Nutrition- Vitamin B6, C, Riboflavin, Calcium, magnesium, fiber, folate and potassium.

imageOn pickup day, foil is Jess’ go-to method of cooking root veggies for use in recipes throughout the week.  The beets here were drizzled in olive oil and kosher salt.  The carrots were drizzled in Ben’s Maple Syrup and a pat of Amish roll butter.  The radishes were honey roasted.


This is what Jess has after roasting at 400 for a spell.  The carrots and radishes were done faster.  Don’t forget to save the radish tops to serve with the radishes! This was a quickie version of honey roasted radishes, but check out this version for the most delicious full Monty recipe. 

One trick we learned that comes in quite handy is that you can soak your radish slices in water to really cut back on the bite, or soak them whole, too.  imageIf you change the water regularly, they’ll keep for a while (these are from the 19th share box) and also lose some of that bite while still keeping their crisp.  This makes them a great stand-in for the water chestnuts that you often find in a good spinach dip.  Dice the whole radish, or chop up only the white centers if the pink color is off-putting to you in the dip

The first radishes out of the farm are always great! When they are small and tender like this, the greens are delicious sautéed. 

Be sure to wash your radish tops very well, they can be gritty if not.  

If you don’t like the chew of the stems, you can cut those off before sautéing and just use the leaves (Jess doesn’t mind the stems, so you see them here).

Fellow Springdellian and fellow blogger Crystal Rowe over at Soul Munchies has a few other yummy radish ideas to share, click here to read on!

Recipes Using Radishes

Burgers with Grilled Fennel and Mixed Veggie Salad

Simple grilled burgers accompanied by grilled fennel, and a salad of local spring veggies. Sarah had artichoke hearts on-hand and those are an optional not-so-local ingredient. This is a salad you too can make your own way depending on what you have on-hand! Post includes the process of blanching explained.

Honey Roasted Radishes with Buttery Greens

One of my favorite uses for radishes, especially when fresh and when the greens are in tip-top shape! (A bonus of Button Mushroom Ragout is in this recipe!)