Jess and Sarah here. We have decided to join forces on Wednesdays to create a post that sums up some of the share box contents that we haven’t had time to highlight throughout the week. With so many great CSA items to feature, we are finding that it is difficult to fit everything into a week! We hope that this will provide a solution.
While up North, Jess whipped up a Springdell Roasted Garlic and Chive Dip. Four garlic bulbs were separated into cloves and dry roasted in a frying pan with the peel still on. The pulp squeezed from the roasted garlic was the puréed and mixed with greek yogurt, sour cream, and chives from the herb garden. This is full of flavor and a perfect compliment to fresh Springdell veggies.
Kale Chips are always a nice snack option with many variations. Jess usually likes to simply toss torn pieces of kale with a bit of coconut oil and spread the torn pieces on a cookie sheet in a single layer before sprinkling with a little bit of kosher salt. Toast in the oven at 250 for about 10 minutes before checking every minute or two for pieces that are done (crunchy but not brown). This week Jess used some of the lacinato (aka dinosaur) kale and a bit of the red Russian kale as well. A yummy crunchy snack!
For our Sunday Dinner this past week, Jess Made a chilled Cucumber and Mint Basil Soup. This yummy soup serves 4 and the recipe came from a friend of Fat Moon Farm.
In a blender, purée 1/2 cup each of fresh basil and mint, 1/4 of a scallion (Jess used about 1 tbsp frozen scallion from late 2014), and a cup each of sour cream and water. Add 1 peeled and chopped cucumber (with small seeds), 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 a teaspoon of hot sauce, and salt to taste, giving a quick pulse but leaving some chunks of cuke.
Some more of Jess’ herbs, cukes, carrots and lettuces went into another serving of rice paper rolls. Some were made with tofu, and some were made with shrimp that her mom brought for cocktail while visiting at the vacation home. With a good dipping sauce, these beauties are a great way to enjoy summer produce, especially on days when it’s too hot to cook!
Where can you get a big bowl of the best guacamole going for only 50 cents? The island of misfit produce, of course! Jess found a slightly bruised tomato and a slightly overripe avocado at the far end of the farmstand, perfect for pairing with a bit of cilantro, onion, and a dash of agave. (If you happen to beat Jess to the Island of Misfit Produce for those avocados, please try one chopped and “marinated” in agave syrup for a spell. It can be quite nice.)
While the Buck family and Anderson family were up north together we had breakfast together, just like a Sunday Night Dinner.
The two families found a way to gobble up a dozen Springdell eggs in a matter of minutes. Sarah made just a simple scramble with S&P.
Earlier in the week Sarah had an awesome lunch.
Carrots and summer squash sautéed in a little Amish roll butter, fresh spinach and mozzerella from the farm stand, and a side of fresh blueberries.
Pad Thai….
Sarah cubed up 3 of her summer squash and 1 stuffing squash…
2 cloves of fresh garlic and her wax beans…
in a delicious pad thai dinner.
We hope you enjoyed this post! Please feel free to check in with us for elaboration on any ideas shared here. Please feel free to share your own ideas, we love to hear how you are enjoying your CSA share!