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Shanghai Noodles 2

I don’t envy Jamie and her fellow farmers the tough job of having to wrestle with Mother Nature to bring food to our tables on a consistent basis.  As many of my Fellow Springdellians know, the heavy snows have delayed the growing season, along with the microburst that took out […]

Sunday Dinners-Spicy Springdell Meat Loaf with Rutabaga Potato Whip 1

My soul was not totally convinced that Springtime was here.  The 60 degree temperatures weren’t doing it, nor the dozen robins hopping around on the snowbanks with a perplexed look.  Nope, this was the clincher for me.  My Fellow Springdellians, spring has sprung!  With the smell of freshly thawed land […]

Lamb and Rutabaga Stew

You may have picked up on the fact that I have my hand in quite a few different adventures in my life right now.  Last night I had a catering gig in Boston, which led me to have a bit of leftover lamb.  Today seemed like the perfect day to […]